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Bluffton, SC, United States

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Juvenile Tri-Color Heron

Juvenile Tri-Color Heron, originally uploaded by Joshua V..

Juvenile Tri-Color Heron

Juvenile Tri-Color Heron, originally uploaded by Joshua V..

Juvenile Tri-Color Heron

Juvenile Tri-Color Heron, originally uploaded by Joshua V..

Monday, June 25, 2012


Reflections, originally uploaded by Joshua V..

The water was so still I even have trails reflecting in it


4-25-12, originally uploaded by Joshua V..

If you really look you will notice that the stars in the middle are kind of tracking in a straight line, the stars on the edges actually arc away from each other, ever so slightly.

Red Dragon Fly

Red Dragon Fly, originally uploaded by Joshua V..

Green Heron

Green Heron, originally uploaded by Joshua V..

Tri-colored Heron

Tri-colored Heron, originally uploaded by Joshua V..

2 Juveniles chasing mom for some food

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Little Egret with Hatchling

Little Egret with Hatchling, originally uploaded by Joshua V..

Happened to walk by this Little White Egret at just the right time. She had stood up to feed this lil guy, which I think is probably only a few hrs out of the shell.

Monday, June 18, 2012