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Bluffton, SC, United States

Friday, April 24, 2009


These were easier to take than I thought they would be!


Amanda Vittitow said...

Those are great pictures honey. I'm so proud of you.

Bill Johnson said...

Great shots Josh. Love your site - looks really professional.

Randi said...

oh gosh! i've been trying to do this for a long time! great capture.

Joshua said...

It does take a bit of luck, I have tried several times and got nothing!! But it is rather easy at the time, just set up to use the longest shutter time you can. for daytime i use a ND filter and the smallest aperture i can to try and get a 3-5 second shutter. I also set my cam up to take 9 pics in a row. Night time is really easier, I just have to set to the smallest f/ and it will usually go to a 20-30 sec shutter. figureing where to aim is the hard part!!