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Bluffton, SC, United States

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Update 5-5-09

Well this week is a very very mixed update! I feel like i haven't done much the last couple of weeks, although i have been trying to get out daily and take pictures of something! This week I started out with a few pics from a local park, with a couple from my very very brave wife! That water was very cold and she was a great sport about it all. Then I have a few from a cookout/birthday party our friends had recently. I then have a few highlights of my very first paying shoot, thanks "TR" for being such a great model and molly was superb as well. I hope everyone gets the comment on the very last pic!! It's GREAT!! Hope you enjoy, and as always feel free to leave a comment!!


Barbara said...

Josh I do LOOK at your blog every week and I think all these pics are great ! I just dont comment on each pic. You are really getting good at this!!

Joshua said...

I am glad you think I am getting better. I'm not really asking people to comment on every picture, just what you like or even don't like and mabye even why in either case. I do this for people to enjoy what i'm doing, but also to get feedback so i can get better at what i'm doing.